Wednesday, 21 December 2011

Topic: I see colours


Focus  :

Theme  :
World of Knowledge

Topic  :
I See Colours

Content Standard  :
1.1  By the end of the 6-year primary schooling, pupils will be able to pronounce words and speak confidently with the correct stress, rhythm and intonation.

Learning Standard  :
1.1.3  Able to listen to, say aloud and recite rhymes or sing songs with guidance.

Objective  :
By the end of the lesson, pupils should be able to pronounce words and speak confidently with the correct stress, rhythm and intonation.

Time  :
60 minutes

Teaching Aids  :
a.  Pictures of the 4 colours : red, blue, yellow and white
b.  Lyrics of song

Added Value  :
Pupils are able to show respect to friends by accepting each other’s ways of singing

Teaching & Learning Strategy
1.  Teacher sings the song as a whole.
Listening to the song.

2.  Teacher sings the song once again line by line.  Pupils repeat after her.
Singing the song.

3. Teacher shows the lyrics of the song with the missing colour words.  Pupils fill in the blanks orally.
Guessing game
Pictures of colours.


Focus  :

Theme  :
World of Knowledge

Introduction  :
This lesson focuses on reading. Activities are teachers led where teacher elicits words with the phoneme /ae/ and /^/

Topic  :
I See Colours

Content Standard  :
2.2  By the end of the 6-years of primary schooling, pupils will be able to demonstrate understanding of a variety of linear and non linear text in the formal print and non print materials using a range of strategies to construct meaning.

Learning Standard  :
2.1.2     Able to recognize and articulate medial sounds (phoneme) in single syllable words within given context : /ae/ and /^/.
2.2.1     Able to read and apply word recognition and word attack skills by matching words with :
a.    graphics
b.    spoken word

Objective  :
By the end of the lesson, pupils will be able to :
  1. identify the phoneme /ae/ and /^/.
  2. match spoken words with graphics of words.

Time  :
60 minutes

Teaching Aids  :
Song & posters

Added Value  :
Pupils will be able to know and understand the Malaysian Flag as the main patriotic symbol of Malaysia.

Teaching & Learning Strategy
1.  Pupils listen to the colour song.
Teacher sings the song or has a recording of the song.
Tune : This Old Man
2.  Introduce the song line by line.  Pupils repeat after the teacher.

Lyrics in the textbook.
3.  Pupils sing along the song.

4.  Teacher introduces the phoneme /ae/ and /^/ with the actions.
Using action to introduce phoneme.
The action of spider crawling one ones arm and look up and say ‘uh’.
5.  Pupils articulate the sounds and imitate the actions

6.  Teacher says the words with the /ae/ and pupils repeat after the teacher. (repeat the same with the /^/ sound)
Drilling using the picture and the word cards.
Red, bed, yellow, bug, mug, black
7.  Pupils select a word card and read it aloud.  Then, he places the word next to the objects in the picture.
Practice using the word cards and the pictures.
Composite picture of bedroom.
Word cards :
Bed, bug, mug, cup, hair, mat.
8.  In pairs, pupils take turns to read the word cards while the other shows the correct picture cards.
Practice / reinforcement using word and picture cards.
Word and picture cards.


Focus  :

Theme  :
World of Knowledge

Topic  :
I See Colours

Content Standard  :
3.1  By the end of the 6-year primary schooling, pupils will be able to form letters and words in neat legible print including cursive writing.

Learning Standard  :
3.1.2     Able to copy and write in neat legible print :
(f) simple sentences.

Objective  :
By the end of the lesson, pupils will be able to copy simple sentences in neat legible print with correct spelling.

Time  :
60 minutes

Teaching Aids  :
Malaysian Flag, picture cards and song charts

Added Value  :
Pupils should know the colours of Malaysian Flag correctly and be proud of it.

Teaching & Learning Strategy
1.  Teacher reads the lyrics of the song entitled ‘Colours’.  Pupils repeat after teacher.
-  Previous knowledge.

Song charts
2.  Teacher sings the song.  Pupils repeat after her.
-  Integration of listening, speaking and reading skills.
-  Reinforcement

3.  Teacher relates the colours with the colours of Malaysian Flag.
     Teacher asks pupils about the colours of the Malaysian Flag.
-  Previous knowledge.
-  Integration of listening, speaking and reading skills.

4.  Teacher guides the pupils to know the colours of the Malaysian Flag correctly :
      -  yellow (star)
      -  blue (background of the small rectangle)
      -  Red (the first line)
      - white (in between)


 5.  Teacher puts up the Malaysian flag on the board.
Malaysian Flag
6.  Pupils complete the activity sheet :
     - colour the Malaysian Flag
     - copy the simple sentences in neat legible print.

Colouring & copying

Activity sheet


Focus  :

Theme  :
World of Knowledge

Topic  :
I See Colours

Content Standard  :
4.3  By the end of the 6-year primary schooling, pupils will be able to plan, organize and produce creative works for enjoyment.

Learning Standard  :
4.3.1     Able to produce simple creative works with guidance based on :
(a)  nursery rhymes

Objective  :
By the end of the lesson, pupils will be able to  :
a. produce simple creative words with guidance based on an action song.

Time  :
60 minutes

Teaching Aids  :
Picture cards, crayons

Added Value  :
Pupils are able to show respect the ‘Jalur Gemilang’ and love their country.

Teaching & Learning Strategy
1.  Teacher and pupils go through the song once again.
Singing aloud.
Ms PowerPoint
2.  Teacher explains the task
ie. Pupils are going to make their   own ‘Jalur Gemilang’ shows a sample.
Sample of the ‘Jalur Gemilang’.

3.  Distribute the pictures and ask pupils.

Satay sticks
4.  Ask pupils to cut out the ‘Jalur Gemilang’ and glue the left side onto a stick.
Learning the fun way.
Teacher can conduct this activity as a class or in groups.

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